
Type : Service Offered
Condition : N/A
Location : Harare

Project Manager GCF

Agency : UNDP

Title : Project Manager GCF

Job ID : 31160

Practice Area – Job Family : Environment and Energy

Vacancy End Date : 26/06/2020

Duty Station : Harare, Zimbabwe

Education & Work Experience : I-Master’s Level Degree – 5 year(s) experience

Languages Required : English

Grade : SB4

Vacancy Type : Service Contract (SC)

Posting Type : External

Bureau : Africa

Contract Duration : One year

Position only open to nationals of Zimbabwe.



Zimbabwe has received funding from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) for the project entitled “Building climate resilience of vulnerable agricultural livelihoods in southern Zimbabwe” The objective of the proposed project is to strengthen resilience of agricultural livelihoods of vulnerable communities, particularly women, in southern Zimbabwe in the face of increasing climate risks and impacts. The project will contribute to the following GCF Fund-level impacts for adaptation: 1.0 “Increased resilience and enhanced livelihoods of the most vulnerable people, communities and regions” and 2.0 “Increased resilience of health and well-being, and food and water security” for vulnerable smallholder communities in southern Zimbabwe. The project outcome will strengthen the adaptive capacities of vulnerable smallholder farmers, especially women, to climate change-induced impacts on their agroecosystems and livelihoods through revitalization of irrigation schemes, upgraded water and soil moisture management and water use efficiency, climate-resilient agriculture, improved access to climate information and markets, and partnerships with public and private sector actors. To achieve these outcomes the project proposes to overcome the identified barriers through implementation of the following three interlinked Outputs, using GCF and co-financing resources: (i) Increased access to water for climate-resilient agriculture through climate-resilient irrigation systems and efficient water resource management; (ii) Scaled up climate-resilient agricultural production and diversification through increased access to climate-resilient inputs, practices, and markets; and (iii) Improved access to weather, climate and hydrological information for climate-resilient agriculture. The Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water and Rural Resettlement (MLAWRR) is the implementing partner and the project will be implemented for 7 years from June 2020 to May 2027.

Against this background, the Zimbabwe Country Office needs a highly qualified, experienced and self-motivated Project Manager to lead the project team. The Project Manager is responsible for overall management of the Project, the day-to-day management, decision-making for the project, including the mobilisation of all project inputs, supervision of project staff, consultants and sub-contractors as well as preparing project reports as specified in UNDP and GCF requirements. The Project Manager’s prime responsibility is to ensure that the project produces the results specified in the project document, to the required standard of quality and within the specified constraints of time and budget. The Project Manager reports to the UNDP Programme Specialist Poverty Reduction Environment and Climate Change (PRECC). They will also work in liaison with the UNDP Regional Technical Advisor and Government-nominated project focal points.

Duties and Responsibilities

Ensures the direction of project activities and the achievement of project targets and results, by focusing on the following results:

Plan and develop project Annual Work Plans (AWPs) and establish Annual Targets in accordance with the

Project Document and in close coordination with project stakeholders and the PMU staff;

Ensure that AWP activities suggested are in line with the overall direction set by the Project Document and lead to the timely achievements of project targets and results;

Oversee and coordinate development and formulation of detailed implementation plans, procurement and human resources, communication and risk management plans for the Project;

Ensure implementation of activities as per AWP and agreed deadlines as well as according to detailed implementation, procurement and HR plans;

Identify bottlenecks and develop solutions;

Assess project impact and oversee the appropriateness and accuracy of methods used to verify progress and results;

Establish adequate monitoring procedures and systems throughout project activities in consultation and collaboration with Ministry, UNDP and consultants;

Ensure that adequate systems are in place to gather data and information for project monitoring and that systematic monitoring of project progress against targets is undertaken, including regular field trips for monitoring purposes;

Develop innovative improvements to enhance performance of the project;

Manage the accurate and timely high-quality results reporting on the progress of the project and achievement of annual targets to the Project Steering Committee and GCF. Ensure that GCF and UNDP reports are prepared according to UNDP’s SOPs, quality standards and in line with the contractual obligations to GCF;

Ensure that all internal and external reports are submitted by deadlines;

Coordinate and prepare ad hoc thematic and substantive reports/analysis/briefs.

Ensure that project communications activities are being implemented;

Organise and participate in project level coordination meetings and/or technical working groups as per project document and AWP.

Implement project governance arrangements;

Ensure organisation of Project Steering Committee meetings and ensure timely preparation of agenda, background materials to agenda items and minutes;

Ensures day-to-day management of the project, by focusing on the following results:

Ensure compliance of all actions and activities with organizational rules, regulations, policies, strategies and internal control mechanisms;

Mobilize personnel, goods and services, including training including drafting and reviewing work or goods specifications and overseeing all contractors’ work;

Develop ToRs for consultancies and other short-term jobs support and supervise consultants;

Oversee effective provision of services to project stakeholders as required;

Oversee the appropriate use of project funds as well as the consistent application of UNDP rules and regulations. Manage requests for the provision of financial resources by UNDP, through advance of funds, direct payments, or reimbursement using the FACE (Fund Authorization and Certificate of Expenditures);

Monitor budget implementation and accounting to ensure accuracy and reliability of project expenditure;

Manage project disbursement schedules from GCF and co financing from UNDP and Government ensuring co-financing is timely disbursed and accounted for;

Prepare and coordinate timely preparation and submission of project Inception Reports, Annual Progress Reports, Mid Term Reviews and Terminal Evaluations;

Monitor and ensure compliance of project activities with social and environmental safeguards

Coordinate preparation of financial reports to UNDP, as required;

Establish performance objectives and standards and ensure timely and appropriate feedback, guidance and support to ensure optimum performance;

Undertake performance evaluation of project management staff;

Manage and monitor project risks. In collaboration with the technical project staff, UNDP and MoLAWRR identify new risks and update risk frameworks for consideration of the Project Steering Committee for consideration and decision on possible actions if required;

Update the status of these risks by maintaining the project risks log;

Ensure appropriate management of project assets, attendance records, filing system.

Support audit and Implement audit recommendations for the project;

Provide inputs to audit management responses;

Initiate operational closure of the project.

Ensures and coordinates provision of high-quality technical advice and building of collaborative partnerships, focusing on achievement of the following results

Coordinate the advisory activities of the project technical advisors;

Ensure that technical outputs are provided according to plans and up to highest technical standards and review and clear technical outputs for quality;

Establish, maintain and facilitate strategic dialogue between UNDP Staff, project staff and Government officials at national and local levels, in project’s area of work;

Provide technical advice, draft papers/briefs/proposals in project’s technical focus;

Establish strong collaborative relationship with the ZRBF project team, implementing partners and stakeholders;

Identify and establish collaborative partnerships with ongoing initiatives;

Ensure appropriate inputs into the collaborative platforms including the National Resilience Building Platform.

Facilitates knowledge building and management, focusing on achievement of the following results

Ensure that the Project systematically builds capacities of stakeholders through introduction of innovation and best practices, access to knowledge and expertise and promote their application to project implementation;

Promote teamwork, information sharing and collaboration within the Project Team and between the Project

Team and the Government partners and UNDP;

Promote skills development of project staff through coaching and mentoring;

Ensure capturing and disseminations of lessons learnt during project implementation;

Facilitate the Project’s representation and/or participation in international knowledge networks to draw on and share best practice and lessons learned.


Core Competencies

Leadership: Ability to persuade others to follow;

Delivery: Ability to get things done;

Ability to account for resources assigned to one’s care.

Creative Problem Solving

Being able to solve problems leading to team cohesion and optimization of performance.

Stakeholder Engagement

Ability to effectively engage stakeholders.


Ability to focus on professional ethics and integrity.

Knowledge Management

Ability to efficiently handle and share information and knowledge.

Leading by Example

Walking the talk and using the power of influence to effect positive change.

Respect for Diversity

Observes diversity in racial, tribal, religious and sexual orientation.

Required Skills and Experience


Master’s degree or equivalent in Climate Change, Agriculture, Rural Development or related field;

A Master’s degree in Project Management or Masters in Business Administration with a Bachelor’s degree in the fields listed above is acceptable.


Minimum 5 years relevant experience at the national or international level in design, planning, implementation, management/coordination, monitoring and evaluation of complex development projects and establishing inter-relationships among international organization and national governments.

At least 3 years’ experience in working on climate change adaptation projects preferably designing, managing or providing technical advisory services to large donor funded complex adaptation projects.

Demonstrable knowledge and familiarity with GCF and GEF funding modality and prior experience in the UN System, a is an added advantage.

Experience in rural development set up and the Agriculture Sector in Zimbabwe is desired.

Language Requirements

English (Proficiency Requirement – High in oral and written)

Ndebele, Shona or other languages spoken in the areas of project operation is an added advantage.


Important applicant information

All posts in the SC categories are subject to local recruitment.

Applicant information about UNDP rosters

Note: UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement. We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements.

Workforce diversity

UNDP is committed to achieving diversity within its workforce, and encourages all qualified applicants, irrespective of gender, nationality, disabilities, sexual orientation, culture, religious and ethnic backgrounds to apply. All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Scam warning

The United Nations does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Furthermore, please note that emblems, logos, names and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to apply particular care when submitting personal information on the web.

Deadline: 26 June 2020

People Management: Ability to improve performance and satisfaction;

Communication: Ability to listen, adapt, persuade and transform;

Innovation: Ability to make new and useful ideas work.

Functional Competencies

Building Strategic Partnerships

Maintaining a network of contacts

Maintains an established network of contacts for general information sharing and to remain up-to-date on partnership related issues;

Establishes and nurtures positive communication with partners.

Promoting Organizational Learning and Knowledge Sharing

Generates new ideas and approaches, researches best practices and proposes new, more effective ways of doing things;

Documents and analyses innovative strategies and new approaches;

Identifies and communicates opportunities to promote learning and knowledge sharing.

Job Knowledge/Technical Expertise

Fundamental knowledge of own discipline

Understands and applies fundamental concepts and principles of a professional discipline or technical specialty relating to the position;

Possesses basic knowledge of organizational policies and procedures relating to the position and applies them consistently in work tasks;

Analyzes the requirements and synthesizes proposals;

Strives to keep job knowledge up-to-date through self-directed study and other means of learning;

Demonstrates good knowledge of information technology and applies it in work assignments.


Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues.


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