


Type : For Sale
Condition : N/A
Location : Harare

Kapenta Matemba for sale

Kapenta/ Matemba, from Kariba . _Note that you pay only upon delivery there are NO pre-payments.

Prices are inclusive of transport. We deliver.

Gallon (1kg) – $6.00usd (10-12 Kango cups)

1 Bucket (5kgs) – $30.00usd

4 Buckets (20kgs) – $120.00 usd

6 Buckets (30kgs)(Full Sack) – $180.00 usd

CONTACT or whatsapp +263771293725

NOTE: is a platform that connects buyers and sellers. does not take responsibilty for any sale entered into between buyer and seller. Please stay safe and vigilant at all times.


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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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