2015 MAN TGS 26.360 15 TONNE




Type : For Sale
Condition : New
Location : Harare borrowdale

2015 MAN TGS 26.360 15 TONNE


*Choice of 2*


For sale is a 2012 MAN TGM 18.290, Auto 12 Speed. Curtain Side. Trailer Connection. Demountable Body. Sleeper Cab. Fridge. In excellent condition. Serious Horsepower but still Very economic. It’s 18 tonne gross and 10 tonne net. Viewing US$19 850

For sale is a 2015 MAN TGS 26.360. Auto 12 Speed, Curtain Side. In excellent condition. Serious Horsepower but still Very economic. It’s 26 tonne gross and 16 tonne net. Only 351 000 miles.

US$21 850


Contact details

+263 776 472 728

+26371 384 3170

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