5kva48v Solar System

5kva48v Solar System


US$3,236.00 (Negotiable)
Defy DSS617 Thermofan+ Kitchenaire 600 Vitrocerami
Axpert Inverters

Axpert Inverters

Factory 7,16 Lisburn road, Workington, Harare

US$100.00 (Fixed)
Capri 290L Fridge
4Plate Gas Stove

4Plate Gas Stove

Harare, Kuwadzana

US$170.00 (Negotiable)
Rustic Designer Cutting Board

Rustic Designer Cutting B...

1 Dungervan W Road , Borrowdale

US$10.00 (Fixed)
Obrim Common bricks

Obrim Common bricks

12, Glenara rd, Westgate

US$125.00 (Negotiable)
Non Stick Frying Pan with 4 Hole

Non Stick Frying Pan with...

main street and 14th avenue bulawayo 00000

US$25.00 (Fixed)
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